Markus Popp
MARKUS POPP IN CONVERSATION Part of Sydney Living Museum’s Around the World Speaker Series, innovative German electronic musician, Markus Popp will talk about his influential output as OVAL, the art of 21st century music production, and how geography, culture and environment impacts creativity. Inspired by Museum of Sydney’s 52 Suburbs Around the World exhibition, which features Louise Hawson’s photos of Berlin, this intimate meet-the-artist discussion will provide a unique take on site-specific sound. Chatting with Paris Pompor, Markus Popp will also answer questions from the audience.
12 noon, Saturday, November 9, 2013
Museum Of Sydney, Cnr Philip & Bridge Sts, Sydney
Tickets: $15/12
Co-presented by Sydney Living Museums, the Goethe-Institut Australia, 2SER, Groovescooter and Sound Summit
ABC TV’s Big Ideas were there to film it and a half-hour version was broadcast on ABC TV in 2014. You can watch a full 1-hour vidoe or listen to the PODCAST HERE